
Understanding the Rights of Motorists and Pedestrians

  • By Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, PLLC
  • 463

Personal Injury

Sometimes life as a pedestrian can be scary because of distracted drivers. Walking on the road has to be done with great caution, considering that cars can come at any speed. According to the researchers, 9 out of 10 pedestrians are unsafe while crossing the road, which is why it is essential to understand the rights and rules. Here are some rules designated for motorists and pedestrians to use, whether they are on the sidewalks or crosswalks according to a truck accident lawyer from our friends at SL Chapman Trial Lawyers:

  1. Right of way 

When we talk about the right of way, we are talking about pedestrians’ rights while walking around. These are legal rights they get over the vehicle, which means it’s only for pedestrians. ● They can walk on the sidewalk

  • They can walk on the crosswalk when the traffic lights show pedestrians sign ● There are a lot of pedestrians in the crosswalk with signs where they can walk ● If a vehicle is stopping for the pedestrian to cross the road, then they can walk by

With the right of way, there are some responsibilities that the pedestrians need to follow like:

  1. Responsibilities for the pedestrians 
  • You can use the sidewalk
  • You can use the marked crosswalk for pedestrians or motorists
  • You have to obey the traffic signals in order to stay safe
  • Make sure to make way for public safety vehicles
  • Please do not use the freeway, as it is only used by public safety vehicles It’s not just the pedestrians but there are some rights for motor vehicles also, like:

Rights and responsibilities of motorists 

  • Do not cross the yellow line: 

In order to keep motorists safe, they need to know their rights and responsibilities on the road. Motorists cannot cross the yellow line on the road to overtake the vehicle, meaning they have to treat the yellow line as a divider.

  • Wear a helmet: 

Make sure to wear a helmet while driving because that is the only thing that will save you from injuries and accidents. According to the rule, both passengers have to wear helmets for safety purposes.

  • Let the vehicles overtake you: 

Motorists cannot prevent the other vehicles from overtaking their vehicle, which is why they have to let the vehicles pass by without increasing their speed.

  • Right to refuse the police officer to take the keys: 

In case a police officer asks you to stop, then you can tell them not to take the keys according to the legal rules. The motorists have the power to deny giving the keys to the police.

  • No need to produce the documents in 15 days: 

In any case, motorists are not under any pressure to produce documents in 15 days. They can send the documents anytime in those 15 days without being pressured about it.


Motorists and pedestrians must know their rights and responsibilities on the road to stay safe and avoid any hassle with the police. It also helps them understand things they can and cannot do on the road.

Client Review

“I continue to be impressed and grateful for Maurice Arcadier’s depth of knowledge, methodical, measured and fair legal guidance. I’ve worked and conducted business across 15 countries, but here at home, he and his law firm feel just as much business partners as legal counsel. The perspective and consideration he offers remains more-than-valuable to me as I navigate each new business endeavor. I would wholeheartedly recommend Maurice to anyone !”
Demetri K
Client Review

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