Accident Lawyer Melbourne, FL

Accident Lawyer Melbourne, FL

The aftermath of an accident can be profoundly disorienting. Regardless of whether you’ve suffered a head injury, it can be difficult to think clearly or critically. Whether you have minor or major injuries, you might be in a state of panic or confusion. This is one of the many reasons why it’s a good idea to schedule a free consultation with our Melbourne, FL accident lawyer after you’ve been injured unexpectedly. One of the first things you can do if you need assistance after going through any kind of accident should be to talk to a professional who can guide you. You don’t need to figure out your situation alone, because you can receive valuable legal advice from a reputable lawyer. They can help you make sense of your scenario and advise you on actions to take so that you can receive the help you need. Speaking with our team at the Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie & Wood will allow you to ask questions and have your legal options presented to you clearly. That way, you’ll place yourself in the best possible position to make an informed decision about your legal situation, even if you don’t feel like you can “think straight” quite yet. After getting the basic facts and information, you can make a more informed situation and have a strong understanding of your case.

Table of Contents

Filing a Personal Injury Claim After an Accident

No two cases are exactly alike. The type of injuries, medical expenses and related expenses will vary from case to case. Each personal injury accident case has very different factors, and the strategies appropriate for one case may be vastly different than another. Our accident lawyer will examine your case closely to determine how they can build the right argument so that you can recover the full list of damages that you are eligible for. For the average client, determining the right approach for a personal injury case can be hard, so it is better to let an experienced personal injury lawyer take care of the legal tasks for you.  

Whether your accident occurred in Virginia or elsewhere matters, as each state has their own laws that govern certain aspects of personal injury claims. Who caused the harm you suffered matters, as the law usually only allows accident victims to recover damages in the event that the party who/which harmed them owed that victim a legal duty of care and caused the harm after breaching that duty. (For example, a drunk driver owes other travelers and pedestrians a duty of care to drive safely and responsibly. By driving drunk, crashing into a pedestrian and causing that pedestrian to suffer broken bones, they caused harm by breaching their legal duty of care to other travelers.) Some states have more strict laws than others which limit a person’s eligibility to recover compensation if they have partial fault. Understanding whether you are able to recover partial compensation can be confusing, so you are advised to speak to a lawyer to discuss your case. If you have partial fault in a personal injury accident, your case may be more complex, but a lawyer will still be able to help you and use their resources to find the strategy that can increase your chances of success.

In a nutshell, you can’t always know whether the ins and outs of the law will provide you with grounds to file a personal injury claim until you speak with a local attorney. Trying to interpret the law on your own is a risk you do not want to take, especially when you have a sophisticated case. However, the law provides an opportunity to file a claim successfully under many circumstances. Therefore, if another person caused you physical harm (whether that “another” was a person, business, or other legal entity), it is worth exploring your legal options. You may have stronger grounds to bring a case than you’re initially led to believe.

How Our Accident Lawyer Can Assist You

The only surefire way to determine whether you have grounds to file a personal injury claim is to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney you trust. Their level of knowledge of the legal system and experience working on personal injury cases compared to the average person is much higher. It is likely that they have worked on a similar case to yours, so they will know what to do. You can count on them to use their skills and legal knowledge to help you navigate your case. At the Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, we pride ourselves on advocating passionately for the best interests of accident victims. We will be honest with you about your legal options, and recommend the best course of action.

As an experienced legal team, we have assisted many clients over the years and have utilized an assortment of tools and resources to help our clients recover the highest compensation amount. Because we have handled many types of cases, we know how difficult it can be to go through the complexities of an accident case. When you schedule a consultation with our Melbourne, FL accident lawyer team, we’ll listen to your story, ask questions about your circumstances, and gladly respond to any concerns you may have weighing on your mind. Once we’ve learned about the details of your situation, we’ll be able to provide you with our assessment of your legal options. You’ll then be empowered to make a truly informed choice about whether or not to file a legal claim.

Dealing With the Insurance Company

Shortly after an accident, especially when negligence is a factor, you may be contacted by the insurance adjuster of the at-fault party. The insurance adjuster might ask to speak to you about the incident, and could even ask you for a sworn statement. Sometimes, they will ask you to sign documents that are “needed” to get the case going.  At some point they may say things to you like “we are here to help you” or “we would like to settle this so you can move forward.”

These are only some of the common statements that may be said to an accident victim. Naturally, they can be intimidating and have a psychological effect on the mind of someone who has just been injured in an accident. 

How You Should Handle the Insurance Company

According to your own insurance policy terms, you may be obligated to contact your insurance adjuster and report the incident. This you should do, but remember to keep things truthful and short. If you don’t know something, all you need to say is “I don’t know.” Melbourne accident attorney can take care of any details that you don’t have the answers to. 

When, or if, you are contacted by the other side’s insurance company, you should remember that whatever you say could be used against you, you should not apologize or admit fault, and you are not legally obligated to talk with them.

In a best case scenario, you will say something like “My lawyer will be in touch with you.” You don’t have to talk with them, and you shouldn’t. All too often, we know of people who damaged their case because they didn’t know their rights, and were unsure about how to handle this situation. Remain polite, but don’t agree to talk with them. 

Do Not Speak to the Insurance Company Alone

The primary goal of the other drivers car insurance company as it can be is to pay out as little money as possible to you. Insurance companies do not have your best interest in mind. In fact if you’re being contacted by somebody from the other driver’s insurance company it is likely that they are trying to find evidence that you were at fault for the accident, and your damages or injuries are not real. They may even try to twist your words later on and inform the court that your injuries existed prior to the car accident.

Anything you say to the other driver’s insurance company may serve as a basis for them refusing to pay you anything or reducing the value of your claim to nothing. If you are nice and you feel obligated to speak with an insurance company, do not volunteer any additional information. Do not agree to have your statement recorded, only answer the question that was asked. The reason the insurance company may want to record or write down your statement is to lock you into a certain version of events, leaving you no room to redact or remove a statement that is not properly worded. However what you know or feel may change just days after the accident.

Signs of Intoxicated Driving

Getting injured in a car wreck is a nightmarish experience. It’s even more distressing when it isn’t your fault. Many reasons exist as to why someone might collide with you, including intoxication. Inebriated operators must pay for the harm they cause. Contact an accident lawyer in Melbourne, FL, to get the legal ball rolling. Before meeting an attorney, write down indications of drunkenness you observed. This anecdotal evidence will help build a strong argument in court.

  • Wild Swerving

Loss of motor function is one of the most widely understood effects of overindulgence. Anyone who’s consumed too many spirits knows how difficult it can be to walk in a straight line. The same principle applies to driving. A person under the influence will have trouble keeping the steering wheel steady. Terrifyingly, this individual might head directly into oncoming traffic. 

  • Sudden Braking 

Most people who are drunk know they are unfit to drive. Because of this, they tend to overcompensate, evidenced by braking early and driving too slowly. A sober person might not anticipate a fellow motorist suddenly stopping and thus causing a rear-end collision.

  • Slow Driving

We all know that exceeding the speed limit is against the law. Driving below a reasonable velocity is also a violation. If a driver was issued a ticket for going too slowly, that may be evidence of intoxicated driving. An accident lawyer in Melbourne, FL, will be highly interested in this fact.

  • Constant Tailgating

Intoxicated motorists have a habit of driving too closely to those in front of them. One reason is that alcohol skews one’s depth perception. Another is that drunk drivers believe it will shield them from suspicion. Since they are mimicking the actions of a sober driver, they feel they cannot become suspects. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster. Anticipating another driver’s actions requires quick reflexes a drunk driver does not possess. 

Drivers who are severely intoxicated may have trouble complying with even basic traffic laws, including using turn signals, driving in the right direction, and halting at stoplights. These actions, as well as the above, are indications of a boozy driver. Do your best to remember what you saw before an irresponsible citizen caused you harm.

Melbourne Accident InfographicAvoid These 3 Personal Injury Claim Mistakes

Melbourne Accident Statistics

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), in 2021, there were 401,533 vehicle accidents in Florida, resulting in 3,331 fatalities and 163,961 injuries. Florida has the third-highest number of fatal vehicle accidents in the United States. The most common causes of vehicle accidents in Florida are distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Melbourne Accident FAQs

A sudden car accident can change your life in an instant, as an accident lawyer in Melbourne, FL knows well. You could be left with serious injuries, as well as emotional trauma that can impede your ability to fully recover. The aftermath of an accident can stay with you for a long time. It can affect your ability to return to work, threatening your financial ability. You may have the following questions in mind if you are not sure what to do after an accident. 

What should I do after a car accident? 

After an accident, the first thing that you need to do is remain calm. You will not be able to think clearly if you are panicking. Take a moment to breathe and focus so that you can take the necessary actions. This includes calling emergency responders, getting the driver’s information, and collecting evidence at the accident site. 

What statement should I give to police officers? 

When you are speaking with law enforcement authorities after being involved in an accident, pay attention to what you say, and keep your statement simple and brief. Any words you say can be used against you. This is especially important to keep in mind if you have partial fault in an accident. If you are not sure what to say, you can choose to remain silent.

What if the other driver chooses not to cooperate? 

There may be times where you get into a car accident and the other driver refuses to cooperate with you. They might not want to take accountability for their contribution and suffer the consequences. This is a frustrating situation to deal with, but there are things that you can do. Take a photo of their license plate and car so that you can give it to the police, and they will try to reach the driver. It also helps to write down a description of their physical features and behavior.

What do I do if the other driver flees the scene? 

Dealing with a hit and run is never easy. If the driver flees the scene, do not attempt to follow them. You may only end up getting hurt or they might accidentally put others in harm’s way in their attempt to flee. Notify law enforcement if you have been a victim of a hit and run so they can conduct an investigation. 

How do I know I even have a claim? 

When you are in an accident, it is reasonable to ask yourself if you have any kind of claim. No one wants to feel silly starting the process of a legal claim just to find out they are wrong. However, this is one of the reasons it is a good idea to speak with an accident lawyer Melbourne, FL residents trust. When you go in for a consultation with a lawyer, they will be able to answer any questions you might have about the process and let you know what it would be like to file a claim in your specific case. Lawyers will be honest if they do not believe a case has what it needs to go through the claims process, so this will be a good first step. 

What kinds of damages would I expect to get?

While this will of course depend on the circumstances surrounding your case, there are different types of damages you may expect to get. For example, you could likely expect to get compensatory damages after a personal injury accident. Compensatory damages include repayment for monetary losses you may be suffering from. These may include: 

  • Pain and suffering 
  • Property loss
  • Loss of income and ability to work
  • Medical bills and hospital stays
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Emotional stress experienced during and after the accident

These are just a few examples of compensatory damages. Another option for damages is punitive damages. This is certainly not something that is awarded in every case. However, you can expect to see punitive damages when the liable party’s actions were especially reckless or egregious. A judge will usually award these damages as a form of punishment against the liable party. 

Getting into an accident can completely change your life. If you are hoping to work with a lawyer who can help you with your accident claim, call the Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie & Wood.

Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, Melbourne Accident Lawyers

2815 W New Haven Ave, Melbourne, FL 32901

Contact Our Experienced Accident Lawyer Today

Our firm is located in Melbourne, Florida, and we serve clients throughout the surrounding area. If you’ve been seriously injured due to the negligence of another person, you have the right to seek full and fair compensation. 

No matter what kind of accident that you have been involved in, you can count on a qualified accident lawyer to give you the counsel and support that you need. They will work hard to fight for you so that you can achieve the outcome that you deserve. Don’t miss your chance to recover a large amount of financial compensation for your expenses. An experienced and competent lawyer like one from the Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie & Wood can provide you with legal assistance. Contact a trusted and skilled accident lawyer in Melbourne, FL now if you need legal assistance.

Client Review

“Cannot thank Maurice enough for the outstanding and effective service he provided to me. He is professional, attentive and extremely knowledgeable in his field of practice. Dawn, the office manager, is equally attentive and kind. I can’t give them enough stars. I will be back – HIGHLY recommended!” Ashley Verrill Client Review

Client Review

“I continue to be impressed and grateful for Maurice Arcadier’s depth of knowledge, methodical, measured and fair legal guidance. I’ve worked and conducted business across 15 countries, but here at home, he and his law firm feel just as much business partners as legal counsel. The perspective and consideration he offers remains more-than-valuable to me as I navigate each new business endeavor. I would wholeheartedly recommend Maurice to anyone !”
Demetri K
Client Review

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