
Domestic Violence

  • By Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, PLLC
  • 329

Personal Injury

According to a family lawyer from our friends at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC, domestic violence is a huge problem in our modern-day society. This abuse can come in many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or technological and it can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or status. I will explore the causes, consequences, solutions, and laws pertaining to domestic violence in this article.

There’s not always one single cause involved in domestic violence but rather many different factors contribute to this major issue. A prevalent cause of domestic abuse is a history of violence in the perpetrator’s family. It has been shown that children who grow up witnessing or experiencing domestic abuse are more likely to become perpetrators. Other forms of childhood trauma are also common among abusers. Another contributing factor that may be involved in domestic abuse is when the perpetrator holds certain views pertaining to hierarchy and domination. It is important to note that domestic violence is a choice, not an uncontrolled impulse.

The consequences of domestic violence are vast and serious. It is truly a terrible thing that causes great pain Studies have shown that victims who have experienced repeated violence are more likely to display behaviors such as substance abuse, alcoholism, and suicide attempts. Many victims found in these circumstances experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, fear of intimacy, post-traumatic stress disorder, and many other psychological consequences. Children who witness these horrendous acts may grow up to think that physical or psychological violence are acceptable ways to deal with conflict. Children may also adopt the belief that one gender is inferior, which can lead to them exhibiting controlling behavior in the future.

If you do find yourself in an abusive relationship there are solutions. The most important thing is to know that you are not alone. There are many people who are willing to assist you and it is vital for your well-being to seek help. Even if you have decided you want to leave, you might not feel safe enough to get out. The United States has a Domestic Violence Hotline that you can call at 800-799-7233. It is completely anonymous and could really help.

In 1994 congress passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This act creates and supports comprehensive, cost-effective responses to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. The Department of Justice and Health and Human Services administers this act. In 2022 the VAWA reauthorization act was included in a spending package signed by president Joe Biden. The VAWA reauthorization act created provisions to strengthen and modernize the law. The law also gives victims of domestic violence thousands of local programs made to serve them.

In conclusion, domestic violence is a prevalent issue that needs more attention. It has a substantial effect on not only victims but also family members, friends, co-workers, other witnesses, and the community at large. It is important to discuss this issue in order to alert the public of the dynamics involved in domestic abuse. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence it is important to seek assistance from one of the many programs out there designed to help — and to contact a lawyer for legal representation.

Client Review

“I continue to be impressed and grateful for Maurice Arcadier’s depth of knowledge, methodical, measured and fair legal guidance. I’ve worked and conducted business across 15 countries, but here at home, he and his law firm feel just as much business partners as legal counsel. The perspective and consideration he offers remains more-than-valuable to me as I navigate each new business endeavor. I would wholeheartedly recommend Maurice to anyone !”
Demetri K
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