Category: Blog

What is a Wrongful Death?
Estate Planning Lawyer Dealing with grief due to the overwhelming loss of a loved one is hard to imagine. One course of option that helps somewhat is knowing that an [...]
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Business Litigation FAQ: What is trade libel?
Business Lawyer Melbourne, FL Running a business takes a great deal of work, organization, and effort. Success can stem from these things, but it will also depend on a good [...]
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Why is Business Succession so Important?
If you own a business, one of the most important aspects to preserving your legacy is developing a business succession plan. Much like the process of developing an estate plan, [...]
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Nursing Malpractice
When a nurse does not competently perform their medical responsibilities which then causes harm to the patient, it is considered nursing malpractice. There are many ways in which a nurse [...]
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How Tired Truck Drivers Could Be Putting Others At Risk
Those who are hit by commercial trucks, whether in a passenger vehicle or riding a motorcycle, can suffer painful and costly injuries as a result of the impact. Commercial trucks [...]
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Tips to Driving With Sun Glare
With the summer season here, we will be seeing much sunnier days. While a bright sun is great for sunbathing at the beach, it can be dangerous when you’re behind [...]
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FAQs for Personal Injury Cases
What is a personal injury case? When a person is injured in an accident due to another party’s negligence or recklessness, then the law allows the victim to pursue a [...]
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Court Amendment of the United States Constitution
Most citizens naively take the United States Constitution at face value. As such, most citizens believe that in order to amend the Constitution, the process outlined in Article Five must [...]
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Product Liability and Wrongful Death
Product Liability Law In a product liability claim, the plaintiff is holding the manufacturer or retailer of a product liable for an injury or death. To have a successful claim, [...]
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What is a VSD
A Voluntary Self Disclosure, otherwise known as a VSD, in the context of Federal Regulations, is a disclosure of information to the appropriate government agency that relates to potential violations [...]
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Client Review

“I continue to be impressed and grateful for Maurice Arcadier’s depth of knowledge, methodical, measured and fair legal guidance. I’ve worked and conducted business across 15 countries, but here at home, he and his law firm feel just as much business partners as legal counsel. The perspective and consideration he offers remains more-than-valuable to me as I navigate each new business endeavor. I would wholeheartedly recommend Maurice to anyone !”
Demetri K
Client Review

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