Biometrics and Digital Fingerprinting Services – Melbourne, Florida
To Schedule online a Biometrics and Fingerprinting Appointment, Click Here.
To Call and Schedule a Biometrics / Fingerprinting Appointment, call: 321-953-5998.
About us:
Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, PLLC is a respected Law Firm with 8 attorneys and supporting staff to meet the legal needs, including providing certified biometrics screening and fingerprinting services in Melbourne, Brevard County, and Surrounding Areas in what is known as the Space Coast. The law firm is a licensed provider of LiveScan, a trademarked proprietary product that provides digital fingerprinting and traditional fingerprinting services for background checks and security clearances which are required in numerous jobs, government applications, and State licenses and renewals.
Uses For Biometrics and Fingerprinting Services
Many companies and government institutions require background checks which are credible and trusted. LiveScan captures the unique biometrics of individuals (fingerprinting hand and fingers) to provide a fraud-free background of the individual being tested. The biometrics which is captured, are then submitted to the FBI to process using ORI numbers and the FBI database. Among the information that is
Fingerprinting, Biometrics
reported, includes criminal convictions anywhere in the United States, and in some circumstances, arrests, past employers, and other individualized information that is needed for employers or government agencies to assess particulars of an individual. In some instances, in addition to capturing fingerprints, the biometrics may include image-capturing for face recognition.
Industries Our Law Firm Services in Melbourne, Florida
Realtors, Teachers, Department of Children and Families, AHCA, Department of Health, Nurse Licensing, Alcohol Licensing are but a few of the industries we service to provide truthful and accurate information about an applicant.
Biometric Costs
The costs of processing a biometrics or fingerprinting process vary depending on the extent of the background needed and the type of biometrics which needs to be captured. Most biometric services, including digital fingerprinting and a digital photo of applicants, face, range in the cost of $70 – $95 which includes an FBI fee of approximately $40.
Reliability of Fingerprinting and Biometrics
Risks of identity theft and other traditional frauds are significantly minimized using our biometric services. After all, it is extremely difficult to forge a face or a digital fingerprint which is captured using our proprietary processes. Additionally, our staff checks appropriate photo identifications provided by the applicant and cross check the personal information which is provided by the applicant with numerous sources to verify its authenticity.
For biometric processing, the individual must come in person to our Melbourne office to have his or her biometrics processed. It is best to schedule and appointment to minimize wait times; however, walk-ins are permitted during business hours between 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
To schedule an appointment time, please contact us at 321-953-5998 or Click here for online scheduling.