personal injury lawyer Melbourne, FL

Personal Injury Claims and Insurance Rates

  • By Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, PLLC
  • 151

Personal Injury Claims and Car Insurance Rates

Car insurance. It’s a necessity, and as long as you are a good driver, you likely don’t think about it too often. However, when you are in an accident, your insurance rates are among the only things you can think about. Will your premiums skyrocket? Will you be charged a surcharge? How expensive will your new policy be? All of these are excellent questions, but they are also a little premature, especially if the accident just happened, and the fault hasn’t been determined. Fault plays a significant role in the effect a car crash has on your insurance rates and premiums. Therefore, before you go into complete meltdown mode, review the different possible scenarios. If you have been injured in a car accident, contact our Melbourne, FL personal injury lawyer today. 

If You Are Deemed to Not Be at Fault

The best-case scenario is to be deemed not at fault once the accident investigation is completed. It is important to note that while most states use contributory negligence rules, as long as you are found less than 50% responsible for the accident, then it will go on your insurance as a not at fault claim, which means that the crash will not affect your insurance premiums, even if you use your coverage for medical expenses and the uninsured motorists’ benefits. Also, as long as the other driver is found to be at fault, you cannot be surcharged or turned away for coverage. 

If You Are Deemed to Be at Fault

Unfortunately, if you are found to be at fault for the collision, then your insurance rates will probably increase. Also, depending on the level of negligence determined in the accident report, you might need to pay a surcharge to your insurer, and you may even find it difficult to maintain coverage. While losing coverage is an extreme result, if you have been found negligent before or if your negligence led to significant harm to another party, then it can happen.  No one benefits in an auto accident. Regardless of who’s at fault, both parties are likely to suffer significant financial losses. Therefore, to ensure that you are well-protected and that you get a fair recovery, contact a personal injury attorney to discuss your case, regardless of your fault in the claim. Those who are not at fault will likely need help negotiating a fair settlement, and those who are at fault will probably need representation to ensure that their insurer is fair in their assessment of the incident. Therefore, no matter your stake in the unfortunate collision, have an experienced lawyer in your corner to offer advice and fight when necessary. 

Contact Our Melbourne Personal Injury Lawyer Today

When it comes to personal injury law, you get one chance to pursue compensation for your financial losses. If negligence was a factor, your first option may be to accept a settlement from the insurance company. Rest assured, they will pressure you into doing so because they won’t have to pay as much money. You should not accept this – even if it is tempting. In fact, if you do, you may not receive enough money to cover all of your costs. Particularly those that may arise in the future.

Your second option is to talk with a Melbourne personal injury lawyer. This should actually be your only option. At the Law Offices of Arcardier, Biggie & Wood, our personal injury lawyers from Melbourne, Florida do things right, and always with the client’s best interests in mind. We are passionate and committed to fighting for your rights.

Client Review

“I continue to be impressed and grateful for Maurice Arcadier’s depth of knowledge, methodical, measured and fair legal guidance. I’ve worked and conducted business across 15 countries, but here at home, he and his law firm feel just as much business partners as legal counsel. The perspective and consideration he offers remains more-than-valuable to me as I navigate each new business endeavor. I would wholeheartedly recommend Maurice to anyone !”
Demetri K
Client Review

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