Coronavirus (COVID-19) Bankruptcy Lawyer Melbourne, FL

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, the first time the organization has labeled a disease as such. As the number of cases of COVID-19 in the United States began to spike, Florida and every other state and territory in the U.S. put a variety of restrictions in place, including stay-at-home orders, business shutdowns, social distancing, and more. The coronavirus has impacted nearly every aspect of our lives, including the functioning of state and local governments. This has led to many people wondering how any legal cases they have pending will be impacted, including bankruptcy cases. A coronavirus bankruptcy lawyer in Melbourne, FL can answer that question.
Bankruptcy and COVID-19
When many businesses and retailers shut down to curb the spread of coronavirus, millions of Americans lost their jobs or have had their hours cut, pushing them to file for unemployment benefits. While unemployment benefits can help for a short period of time, they are typically only two-thirds of what your normal wages would be, leaving many struggling. Currently, it is not known when the coronavirus will be contained or when businesses will reopen. The kind of financial distress could push many Americans to file for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy to help alleviate some of their financial burden. A Melbourne, FL COVID-19 bankruptcy lawyer can explain the difference between these two types of bankruptcy.
Existing Bankruptcy Cases
If you have already filed for bankruptcy, you may be wondering how the COVID-9 pandemic will affect your case. Many courthouses across the country have closed to the public or have significantly limited the number of people working in them. The state of Florida has issued a number of orders stating that courts have been closed, with a few exceptions. As of this writing, it is unknown when the bankruptcy courts will begin processing bankruptcy cases again. However, you should expect your coronavirus bankruptcy lawyer in Melbourne, FL and other officials to encourage you to do as much of your case through non-contact means as possible, including attending meetings through video conferencing.
New Bankruptcy Cases
Even though the courts are still not open to the public, that doesn’t mean you should not proceed with any decisions you have made about filing for bankruptcy, especially if you are one of the millions of people who have been impacted financially by this restrictions and shutdowns on businesses. If you have lost your job or have had to close your small business because of the coronavirus, filing for bankruptcy can help put you back on the financial road to recovery.
To learn what bankruptcy options may be the best choice for you, call Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, PLLC to speak with a coronavirus bankruptcy lawyer Melbourne, FL clients recommend today.