Commercial Law Firm Melbourne Florida

From handling customers requests and complaints to hiring employees, small business owners juggle multiple responsibilities. With so much on their plate, they can find themselves so busy that they unintentionally neglect certain legal protections for their business. Thankfully, if you are a small business owner, you don’t have to navigate the legal side of your business alone. Working with a commercial lawyer Melbourne, FL business owners trust can allow you peace of mind. While you’re focusing on making your business successful, the experienced Melbourne, FL commercial law firm of The Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie & Wood can handle much of the legal “heavy lifting” on behalf of your business.
Many business owners make some or all of the following common legal mistakes because they’re simply too busy to focus on legal protections for their company. By entrusting the practical legal challenges of your business to our experienced Melbourne, Florida commercial law firm, you can trust that you’ll be protected from legal hurdles whenever possible.
Failing to Trademark Intellectual Property
As a small business owner, you’ve likely spent a lot of money developing your brand. If you don’t trademark your business name, logo, services or products, someone else may benefit from them or even steal them outright. Similar challenges exist when original works of artistry aren’t subject to registered copyrights, trade secrets aren’t legally safeguarded, and inventions aren’t patented. Working with our Melbourne, FL commercial law firm can help to ensure that your company’s branding and hard work are protected in enforceable ways.
Choosing the Wrong Business Entity
One of the most important things you’ll do prior to the launch of your small business involves selecting an appropriate legal structure. The four types of structures include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. There are positives and negatives to each one. The best choice for your business will depend on your individual business goals. Our team can review your goals and help you choose the right entity.
Not Having Written Contracts
Whenever you want to work with a client or vendor, it’s important to have everyone sign a valid contract. If you just rely on handshakes and believe that everyone will just keep their word, you may be in for a rude awakening. If there is ever a dispute, it can be difficult to prove a verbal agreement in court. Before you enter into any agreement, it’s important to have a business lawyer draft or review the relevant contract(s).
Failing to Have an Employee Handbook
Many small businesses have few employees, so they may not bother creating an employee handbook. However, this is a big mistake. This handbook outlines company policies and procedures that employees must be aware of. Formal employment procedures help to protect workers and protect companies from liability.
Not Obtaining Necessary Licenses and Permits
The law requires certain businesses to obtain special licenses and permits to be able to operate. For example, businesses that plan to sell food must obtain a county health department permit. It’s important to find out what licenses and permits your state requires your business to have.
Not Using a Lawyer
Some small businesses don’t believe they have the same legal obligations that bigger companies have and don’t want to pay for a lawyer’s services. However, no matter how small your business is, it’s important to have an experienced Melbourne, FL commercial law firm on your side from the beginning. You’ll probably be shocked to learn just how often you’ll need to consult an attorney in order to protect your company’s legal interests. Please schedule a consultation today so that we can get a better sense of your business and your legal needs. We look forward to speaking with you.