Automotive Accident Lawyer Melbourne, FL

An automotive accident lawyer Melbourne, FL victims recommend knows that there are many causes of car accidents, including distracted driving, driving under the influence, speeding, and even weather conditions. No matter what causes a crash, the consequences can be devasting to the victims and their families. One of the most severe crashes on Florida streets that often result in catastrophic injuries and death are T-bone crashes.
A T-bone accident is a side-impact crash that happens when the side of one vehicle is slammed into by another vehicle, usually the front of that vehicle. T-bone accidents often occur at intersections, multi-lane highways, and parking lots. Even when both vehicles were traveling at low speeds, the injuries to victims – especially those in the vehicle that is hit – are often serious to severe. National statistics reveal that there are more than three million T-bone accidents that happen every single year.
Causes of Side Impact Crashes
All drivers are required to follow all traffic laws and to operate their vehicles in a responsible and safe manner. When a driver operates their vehicle recklessly or under the influence, this greatly increases the risk that they will cause an accident. A driver who is texting is not focused on the road in front of them. A driver who runs a red light risks hitting vehicles that have the right of way. A driver who has been drinking doesn’t have the same reflexes as a driver who is sober.
Some of the more common causes an accident lawyer Melbourne, FL clients trust has seen in the T-bone accident cases handled at Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, PLLC include:
· Distracted driving
· Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
· Failure to stop at a red light
· Failure to yield the right of way at an intersection
· Fatigue driving
· Illegal left turn
· Speeding
There are also side-impact accidents where the crash was caused by defective equipment, such as a defect in the steering system or brake system. In these cases, the vehicle or part manufacturer may be liable for the losses the victim suffers from their injuries. Your attorney will be able to determine who the party is that is responsible for your damages.
Lack of Protection
As dangerous as head-on and rear-end crashes are, there is some protection that is provided to occupants in the vehicle which can help minimize the severity of injuries. The engine in a head-on accident and the truck in a rear-end accident take a good deal of the impact in the crash. But in a T-bone accident, the only thing between the occupant of the vehicle and the oncoming car is the door and window, providing almost no protection from that impact.
This is why the injuries in these accidents are often life-threatening or fatal. Those victims who do survive often face long-term medical treatment, including multiple surgeries, physical therapy, and more. Many victims are left with permanent disabilities and can even require 24-hour care for the rest of their lives. There are also emotional traumas victims suffer which often result in anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.
Call Our Office for Legal Assistance
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, contact Arcadier, Biggie & Wood, PLLC to find out what legal recourse you may have against the driver or other party who was responsible for the crash. Contact our office to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation with an automotive accident lawyer in Melbourne, FL today.